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The Legacy of Margaret Archer

A BSA Theory Study Group One-Day Symposium

3 August 2024
University of Warwick, UK

About the Event

We are delighted to announce a one-day symposium dedicated to exploring and celebrating the legacy of Margaret Archer, one of the most influential sociological thinkers of our time. The aim of the symposium is to engage with and critically assess Archer’s contributions to social theory, her influences and engagements outside critical realism, the global reception of her work, and her place within the larger tradition of critical realism.

Margaret Archer’s work has had a profound impact on social theory, challenging and reshaping our understanding of agency, structure, culture and their interplay in producing social change. Her contributions to the discipline have been wide-ranging, from critical interventions in conceptual debates to discussions about the nature of our times. Archer’s engagements with other thinkers, both within and outside the critical realist tradition, have shaped contemporary sociological debates.

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting conference and to engaging in lively discussions about the legacy of Margaret Archer’s work.

Call for Papers

We invite papers that critically engage with Archer’s work on the following themes:

  1. Archer’s Place in Sociological Theory:
    We encourage papers that explore the ways in which Archer’s ideas have been received, challenged, and transformed within the discipline.
  2. Archer’s Work within the Larger Dialogues of Critical Realism:
    We invite papers that critically assess the ways in which Archer’s ideas have contributed to and challenged the critical realist tradition.
  3. The Global Reception of Archer’s Work:
    We encourage papers that explore the ways in which Archer’s ideas have been received, interpreted and adapted in different places. We want to explore both Archer’s role in the internationalization of British sociology, as well as the reception of her work in different countries of the Global North and Global South.
  4. Archer’s Work Beyond Critical Realism:
    We welcome papers that explore the ways in which Archer’s work has been influenced by and has influenced traditions, debates and issues beyond critical realism, such as pragmatism, moral philosophy and the philosophy of science.

We welcome submissions from scholars at all stages of their careers, including graduate students and early-career researchers. We also encourage interdisciplinary perspectives and contributions from scholars working in related fields, such as philosophy, anthropology, and political science.

Please note: we will seek to accommodate online talks but there will be a limited number of places available for this. Specify in your application if you want to participate remotely. If we don’t receive this notification we will assume you intend to present in person.

The deadline for submission of 300 word abstracts is 30 April 2024, and notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 15 May.


  • BSA Members: £7.50
  • Non-Members: £10