Issues for Staff Employed by the BSA 

Staff Development and Review Scheme

Dignity at Work - General Statement
Unacceptable Behaviour
Working Conditions and Relationships
Relationships Between Staff and Members
Relevant Documents Kept in BSA Office

Equal Opportunities Policy

The BSA affirms its commitment to the equal treatment of all people.

As an employer the BSA does not discriminate on grounds of sex, gender, gender reassignment, age, race, ethnic or national origins, colour, marital status, sexuality, family responsibility, disability or impairment, religious or other beliefs, unless those activities are unlawful.  The BSA is firmly opposed to any form of discrimination, which can be shown to be either directly or indirectly based on these human attributes and values.

The BSA, as an employer, operates an equal opportunities policy in the recruitment, selection, appraisal, training and promotion of staff at all levels. Selection criteria and procedures are monitored and reviewed to ensure that individuals are recruited and selected on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities by ways that can be shown are not indirectly discriminatory as defined in the Sex; Race and Disability Discrimination Acts legislation. All employees will be afforded the opportunity to undertake training appropriate to their present posts and future aspirations.

The BSA will take all appropriate disciplinary or legal action to protect BSA employees from any discriminatory behaviour, verbal or physical, by any other employee. Any BSA member who behaves inappropriately towards a member of BSA staff may be asked to leave the organisation. The BSA provides guidelines to members regarding relationships between BSA members and BSA employees and on relationships between members and members and others (e.g. students, respondents).

The BSA recognises the need to gauge the success of this policy and to develop it further. 

The BSA aims to be an Equal Opportunities employer.

Employment Issues


There are four important aspects/steps re recruitment:

  • Defining the Job
  • Profiling the Person - Person Specification
  • Communicating Requirements
  • Choosing Methodically

(When planning an interview the usefulness of a tour of facilities, a lunch, meeting potential colleagues, a presentation relevant to the job is considered).


On day one of induction new members of staff meet with their line manager (normally the Executive Officer, except in the case of the induction of the Executive Officer when the Chair of the Executive will meet the Executive Officer) to discuss the remit of the BSA, the roles and responsibilities of the job and workload.  Each new member of staff is  allocated a mentor (for members of staff other than the Executive Officer is a member of staff within the BSA office, for the Executive Officer this is a member of the Executive, other than the Chair of the Executive) who works closely with them for the first year. 

An induction timetable provides the new member of staff with details on all aspects of induction and probation.

As part of induction the new member of staff meets all of those appropriate to their particular job e.g. the auditors, current and past conference teams.

Specific staff development needs are identified during induction.

The induction period includes several 'review sessions'  - at the end of the second week, at the end of three months, at the end of the first year (and at any other time that the new member of time requests).


There is a six month probationary period for all positions in the BSA office.  The three month 'review session' provides an opportunity for the member of staff and the line manager to raise any concerns.

Staff Development and Review Scheme

Key Principles: Formal staff development and review schemes are now generally seen as good practice. It is beneficial to set aside some time each year for a quiet discussion between managers and each member of staff. This type of session is important in enabling employees to reflect on the past year and to identify goals for the forthcoming year.  In a pressurised environment, there often does not seem to be time for such a discussion - and so, despite the best of intentions, the discussion does not happen.  For this reason, a formal staff review scheme is necessary.

Staff Development and Review takes place each year. Two hours are set aside for the meeting, even if it seems unlikely that such a length of time is necessary; as some issues may need thorough discussion.  It is important that the meeting is relaxed and not interrupted.  For this reason the meeting will not take place in the office.

The process of Staff Development and Review is as follows: 

  • Review Preparation - there is a self-assessment form for the reviewee to complete and give to the reviewer in time for the reviewer to read and reflect on the paperwork. 
  • Review Meeting(s) - the agenda for this meeting is set by the reviewee's self-assessment form. 
  • Post Meeting and Follow Up - following the meeting the reviewer and reviewee need time for reflection on the discussion.  Following this - approximately a week after the initial review - there will be a brief meeting to agree the reviewee's goals for the year and the reviewer's responsibility is assisting the reviewee.

All members of staff have access to staff development.  Staff development needs are identified in induction, during staff development and review and at other times.

Working Conditions and Working Relationships

Dignity at Work - General Statement

The existence of any form of harassment at work can create a threatening and intimidating environment with adverse consequences for job performance, general health and well-being. This is completely unacceptable and potentially unlawful and actionable.

The most relevant pieces of legislation are: 

  • The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • The Protection from Harassment Act 1997
  • The Sex Discrimination Act 1975
  • The Race Relations Act 1976
  • The Disability Discrimination Act 1995

Unacceptable Behaviour

The Commission on University Career Opportunity (CUCO), in its 'Guidelines on Harassment for Universities and Colleges in Higher Education' defines harassment as 'unacceptable behaviour which can range from violence and bullying to more subtle behaviour such as ignoring an individual at work. It subjects an individual or a group to unwelcome attention, intimidation, humiliation, ridicule, offence or loss of privacy. It is unwanted by the recipient and continues after an objection is made, although a single incident may be serious enough to constitute harassment and therefore justify a complaint'. These behaviours may evidence discrimination on grounds of:   

  • Gender or sexual orientation
  • Religious or Political persuasion
  • Victimisation following an allegation of harassment
  • Disability
  • Age or Youth
  • Real or suspected status with regards to AIDS/HIV
  • Subordinate Status

The BSA regards the following as specific but not exhaustive examples of behaviour it deems contrary to Dignity at Work:

(a)   physical contact ranging from unnecessary and unwelcome touching to serious assault 
(b)   intimidating behaviour either physical or non physical
(c)   verbal and written harassment through jokes, offensive language, gossip and slander, letters and electronic communications 
(d)   visual display of offensive material
(e)   isolating an employee or not co-operating with others at work 
(f)    pressure/coercion into participation or relinquishing membership of political/religious groups
(g)   intrusion by pestering, spying or following.

Working Conditions and Relationships

The BSA ensures that all members of BSA staff enjoy satisfactory conditions in all areas of their working life. All members of staff are expected to respect the BSA Dignity at Work policy in respect to their working relationships. 

Relationships Between Staff and Members

Members should ensure that their behaviour (in person, on the telephone, in written communications) towards BSA staff is respectful and polite at all times and ensure that their behaviour towards BSA staff colleagues contributes to a positive working environment.

Relevant Documents Kept in BSA Office

  • Contract of Employment
  • Staff Development Review Scheme