Professor Alan Warde given prestigious Distinguished Service to British Sociology award

Professor Alan Warde has been given this year’s British Sociological Association’s Distinguished Service to British Sociology award.

Professor Warde, of the University of Manchester, was given the award by the President of the BSA, Professor Susan Halford, at its annual conference in Glasgow today. [Wednesday 24 April].

Professor Halford said Professor Warde’s contribution to sociology “stretched across all areas of academic endeavour” including an “increasingly powerful analysis of consumption and environmental change.”

Also, she said, “Alan has been generous with his time and his ideas to the people he works with.”

Professor Warde said he was “honoured, surprised and pleased” to receive the award.

Professor Warde joined the University of Manchester in 1999 and works on the sociology of consumption, culture, food and eating, and social stratification.

He works with networks of social scientists in Norway, France, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Finland, and has held visiting positions in Adelaide, Mannheim, Sao Paolo, Paris and New York. His previous position was Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University.

He is a past Chair of the British Sociological Association and has sat on its BSA’s Board of Trustees.

The BSA’s annual conference is taking place at Glasgow Caledonian University from 24–26 April 2019. Over 600 research presentations are given.

The British Sociological Association’s charitable aim is to promote sociology. The BSA is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 3890729. Registered Charity Number 1080235