Network Book Reviews

The editors of Network are interested in carrying reviews of the books listed below in the next edition.

Network invites all BSA members to pick a book from the list. Please contact Tony Trueman for the next deadline for reviews.

Guidelines for book reviewing can be found here. In some cases we can carry reviews of 600 words rather than 550.

To register an interest in reviewing, or for more information, please contact Tony Trueman. We will then have a copy of the book sent to you.

Please note that it is essential to let us know of your interest before beginning reviewing.


Science Studies Meets Colonialism
Amit Prasad

Understanding Poverty: A Relational Approach
Elizabeth Seale

Food in a Just World: Compassionate Eating in a Time of Climate Change
Tracey Harris and Terry Gibbs

The fall and rise of the English upper class
Daniel R Smith
Manchester University Press

The urban life of workers in post-Soviet Russia: Engaging in everyday struggle
Alexandrina Vanke
Manchester University Press 

Bourdieu and Sayad Against Empire: Forging Sociology in Anticolonial Struggle
Amín Pérez

White Minds: Everyday Performance, Violence and Resistance
Guilaine Kinouani

Technosleep: Frontiers, Fictions, Futures.
by Coveney, C., Greaney, M., Hsu, E. L., Meadows, R., & Williams, S. J.
Palgrave Mcmillan

Pharmacy Miscellany Thoughts on Regulation, Education, Industry and Philosophy
Malcolm E. Brown
Euromed Communications

Sharing Care
Rachel Brooks and Paul Hodkinson
Policy Press

Working Yet Poor: Challenges to EU Social Citizenship
Edited by Luca Ratti and Paul Schoukens

Doing Digital Migration Studies: Theories and Practices of the Everyday
Koen Leurs, Sandra Ponzanesi (eds)
Amsterdam University Press

Reconfiguring Drinking Cultures, Gender, and Transgressive Selves
Emeka Dumbili

Belonging, Gender and Identity in the Doctoral Years: Across Time and Space
Rachel Handforth
Palgrave Macmillan/Springer

The Privileged Few
Clive Hamilton and Myra Hamilton

Human Perception and Digital Information Technologies Animation, the Body and Affect
edited by Tomoko Tamari
Bristol University Press

Hate speech and abusive behaviour on social media: A cross-cultural perspective
Luiz Valério P. Trindade (IPIE – International Panel on the Information Environment, Switzerland)
Vernon Press