Membership of the BSA is a must for everyone involved in sociology. Your membership supports the Association’s charitable aim of promoting sociology in the UK and beyond.
As a member of the BSA community, you'll have many opportunities to meet and collaborate with others who share your interests, establishing invaluable networking and career opportunities, as well as receiving the excellent benefits that membership can offer you.
You may be able to get the cost of your membership subscription reimbursed by your employer via an expenses claim. For example, some employers allow professional membership subscriptions to be reclaimed where membership is mandatory to be able to carry out a role or if savings to the employer will arise from membership e.g. where being a member means that you get reduced conference attendance fees that exceed the cost of membership. Check your employer’s expenses policy. You may be asked whether the BSA is in the list of approved organisations published by HMRC. The answer is yes, we are, under T for The British Sociological Association! Find out about membership tax relief.