BSA Consultations Responses
- BSA Response to the National Curriculum and Assessment Review Call for Evidence (November 2024)
- BSA Response to REF 2029 Open Access Consultation (June 2024)
- BSA Response to Department for Education consultation - Guidance for Schools and Colleges: Gender Questioning Children Government (March 2024)
- Joint response of the British Sociological Association and the Council of UK Heads and Professors of Sociology to Assessment of people, culture and environment in REF 2028 (December 2023)
- BSA Response to ESRC Consultation: Fit for the Future (August 2019)
- BSA Response to Plan S Consultation (February 2019)
- Integrated Communities Strategy Green paper response (June 2018)
- BSA Response to Census Consultations Questions (May 2018)
- TEF sub-level consultation response (May 2018)
- Joint ASA BSA ESA RGS statement (April 2018)
- Joint response from British Sociological Association and the UK Council of Heads and Professors of Sociology (HaPS) to European Sociological Association Questionnaire (July 2017)
- Response to HEFCE Consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework (14/3/2017)
- The BSA writes to Queen's University Belfast regarding the review and threatened closure of Sociology Single Honours Undergraduate Programme (06/07/2016)
- The Contribution of Social Sciences to Health – Call for evidence (22 April 2016)
- Lord Stern's Review of the Research Excellence Framework (24 March 2016)
- BSA/HaPS response to Independent review of the implementation of RCUK Policy on Open Access – Call for Evidence (12 September 2014)
- BSA-HAPS response to ESRC Consultation: Informing the future strategic direction of the Economic and Social Research Council (9 July 2014)
- BSA and HaPS response on the Review of the ESRC Doctoral Training Centres Network (2 April 2014)
- BSA-HAPS response to HEFCE Open Access Consultation (30 October 2013)
- Joint response by the British Sociological Association and the Council of Heads and Professors of Sociology (HAPS) to the British Academy Consultation on the Creation of a Qualification in Undergraduate Quantitative Methods (July 2013)
- British Sociological Association submission to the social mobility and child poverty commission consultation (July 2013)
- British Sociological Association-HaPS Submission to HEFCE on Open Access publication for REF post-2014 (2013)
- British Sociological Association-HaPS Submission to RCUK on revised Open Access Guidance (2013)
- BSA Submission to the BIS Select Committee Inquiry into the Government's Open Access Policy (2013)
- A response from the British Sociological Association (BSA) to the government's 'Measuring child poverty: A consultation on better measures of child poverty' (2013)
- British Sociological Association (BSA) Submission to The House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee Short Enquiry into the implementation of Government Open Access Policy (2013)
- A response from the British Sociological Association (BSA) and the Council of Heads and Professors of Sociology (HaPS) to the ESRC Advanced Training Network consultation (July 2012)
- The response of the British Sociological Association (BSA) and the Scottish Heads of Sociology Group to the Scottish Government ‘Putting learners at the Centre’ consultation (2011)
- The response of the British Sociological Association (BSA), the UK Council of Heads and Professors of Sociology (HaPS) and the European Sociological Association (ESA) to the European Union ‘Innovation Funding’ Green Paper (2011)
- The response of the British Sociological Association (BSA) and the Council of Heads and Professors of Sociology (HaPS) to the HEFCE ‘Public information about higher education’ consultation (2011)
- The response of the British Sociological Association (BSA) and the Council of Heads and Professors of Sociology (HaPS) to the ESRC ‘Demand Management’ consultation (2011)
- The response of the British Sociological Association (BSA) and the Council of Heads and Professors of Sociology (HaPS) to the ‘Higher Education: Students at the Heart of the System’ White Paper consultation (2011)
- The response of the British Sociological Association (BSA) to the HEA change consultation (2011)
- The response of the British Sociological Association (BSA) to the Science and Engineering Assurance Review of the Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) (2010)
- The response of the British Sociological Association (BSA) to the Learned Society Researcher Development Questionnaire (2010)
- The response of the British Sociological Association (BSA) to the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods ‘Methodological Research Needs’ consultation (2009)
- The response of the British Sociological Association (BSA) to the HEFCE ‘Research Excellence Framework’ consultation (2009)
- The response of the British Sociological Association (BSA) to the Review of the ESRC Research Ethics Framework (2009)