Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is OPEN.
We invite submissions that speak to the overall theme of Continuities and Discontinuities in Work and Employment and to the following topics (this list is alphabetical and not exhaustive!):
- Body work and emotion – e.g., emotional labour, aesthetic labour, embodiment, leaky bodies
- Crises in/at work and employment – e.g., extreme work/ing, climate crisis
- Decolonial/izing work, employment and workplaces – e.g., the workplace as a (neo)colonial space, indigenization of work and employment, legacies and continuities of settler colonial logics in work and employment
- Difference and diversity – e.g., Intersectionality/ies in work and employment
- (Dis)continuities in professions, occupations and skills
- Ecologically/Socially sustainable work and employment – e.g., degrowth, deglobalization, circular economy
- Historical (dis)continuities in work and employment – e.g., continuity and change in the institutional regulation of employment, State regulation of work and employment
- (In)Decent work and employment – e.g., mental wellbeing, job quality, burnout, precarity/precariousness at work and employment
- (Im)Mobility and migration – e.g., political economies of labour migration, brain drain/strain, migrant labour exploitation
- Labour agency, trade unions, and social movements – e.g., conflict at work, struggle (dis)continuities, the present and future of individual and collective forms of resistance, transnational labour organizing strategies and networks
- Social justice, ethics and CSR in work and employment – e.g., global labour standards, sustainable ethics in supply chain work conditions, socially responsible employment
- Technology and work – e.g., new social relations of digital technologies, platform work
- Theories, methodologies and research praxis for the exploration of continuities and discontinuities in work and employment – e.g., metaphors about work and employment, innovative approaches to explore work and employment
- Work/place alienation and participation – e.g., alienating work, work alienation, employee resource groups, voice at work
We welcome contributions on any aspect of the sociology of work and employment. We have two special presentation types along with oral research presentations, special events and posters, which align with special features of WES: PhD Showcase to highlight PhD work and On the Front Line foregrounding the experiences of workers. Full details of presentation types below.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically via the BSA website.
All abstracts should be up to 500 words and submitted by 21 March 2025. They should enable referees to determine the issue, development or problem being investigated; how it is being investigated; and the findings and contribution. Please provide information about the theoretical position, the methodology, data set (if relevant) and the stage of the research. Submissions are anonymously reviewed.
Types of Submission:
- Oral Presentations: We particularly encourage papers reporting research findings as well as abstracts related to sociological theory, social policy, ‘work in progress’ or those testing out new and imaginative ideas.
- Poster Presentations: We welcome submissions for poster presentation.
- Special Event: A special event may offer theoretical, empirical, methodological or policy-related contributions. The format may include multiple speakers (with multiple abstracts), an author with a discussant or more creative presentation formats. Please indicate in your application whether speakers are confirmed or provisional.
- PhD Showcase (Oral Presentations): Submissions are designed to feature PhD work and will be supported by an experienced discussant. It aligns with the new WES PhD Showcase and is designed for those within 3 years of PhD, looking for a supportive experience.
- On the Front Line: These submissions foreground the experience of workers in collaboration with academic colleagues. Please indicate if any speakers are not academic presenters.
When submitting an abstract, delegates will be asked to choose the most relevant conference stream for their paper:
- Difference, diversity and social justice
- (Dis)continuities in professions, occupations and skills
- Ecologically/Socially sustainable work and employment
- Historical (dis)continuities and crises in/at work and employment
- (In)Decent work and employment
- (Im)Mobility and migration
- Labour agency, trade unions, and social movements
- Technology and work
- Theories, methodologies and research praxis
- Work/place alienation, voice and participation
- Open Stream
Abstract Submission Deadline: 21 March 2025 Abstract Decisions sent out: no later than 23 May 2025 Presenter Booking Deadline: 14 July 2025
BSA Events Team Email: events@britsoc.org.uk Tel: 0191 383 0839