Abstract SubmissionCall for Papers The call for abstracts is OPEN and we invite you to submit your innovative medical sociology papers for consideration. The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, 2 May 2025. The following criteria will be applied when reviewing abstracts:
When submitting your abstract, please indicate if your submission is an oral or poster presentation, or a special event. Please note that presenters will be able to present only one paper at the conference, although they may be authors of more than one. At the point of submitting your abstract, please consider where your presentation may best fit in the conference streams listed below.
We will make every effort to assign accepted abstracts to the stream indicated by the author on the submission form. However, this is not always possible when some streams are over-subscribed. If we are unable to place your abstract in your desired stream, we will endeavour to place your paper within a similar stream though may add it to the Open Stream. The abstract submission deadline is Friday, 2 May 2025. Abstracts received after this date will not be accepted.
Key Dates
Contact Information For any questions or enquiries about the conference, please contact the BSA Events Team. For further details about the Group, please visit the Medical Sociology Study Group. |