RegistrationRegistration is OPEN. Registration rates are as follows:
An early booking discount of £50 was available until 23 February. The rates above reflect the standard pricing. ** Categories A and B countries are based on World Bank GNI figures and roughly match those used by the ISA, who similarly differentiate by country of residence. Conference Dinner The Conference Dinner will be held on Thursday, 24 April at Manchester Museum and tickets are £55. Places have now sold out, however, if you'd like to be added to our reserve list please email the BSA Events Team. Final details will be communicated prior to the Conference. Funded Places
Applications for funded places are CLOSED. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. How can I check my BSA membership status? Q. What does my conference registration include? Q. Will the BSA send me a letter of invitation for visa purposes? Booking Cancellations - Important Information Subject as provided below the BSA accepts your booking form as a firm and binding booking. Cancellations of bookings must be made in writing via email to the BSA Events Team. Letters to members of the Conference Organising Team will not be accepted as cancellations. Cancellations received up to and including 9 April 2025 will incur a 15% administration fee. Cancellations received after 9 April 2025 will not be eligible for a refund on any fees related to meals or accommodation or registration. Refunds will not be payable for any total or partial failure of performance by the BSA of its duties and obligations under this Agreement occasioned by any act of God including but not limited to fire, flood, drought, tempest; act of government or state, war, civil commotion, insurrection, blockade, embargo, prevention from or hindrance in obtaining any raw materials, energy or other supplies, interruption of utility service, labour disputes of whatever nature including but not limited to strike, lock out or boycott; fuel shortage, disruption to transportation services or facilities, and any other reason beyond the control of the BSA. Benefit from Member Rates Did you know you can make substantial savings on conference registration fees by becoming a member of the BSA. Join now! Reciprocal Agreements BSA reciprocal agreements members can attend partner organisations' events at reduced rates. The BSA has reciprocal agreements with: The Australian Sociological Association, British Society of Criminology, Social Policy Association, Sociological Association of Aotearoa (New Zealand). Please contact the BSA Events Team to register at the reciprocal agreement rate. Key Dates
Contact Information BSA Events Team |