Events Archive


The Message of the Muzzle: A Study in Stigma by Maria Kaspersson (University of Greenwich). Presentation
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on Wednesday, 2 October 2024 at 1700-1800

‘Disappointments and Dissonances’ Programme
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference on 10-12 July 2024 at Venue Reading. Keynote: Karin Bacon (Marino Institute of Education, Dublin)

Women’s spaces of knowledge: Lady Mary’s contribution to the Covid vaccine by Mich Page (Independent Academic).  Presentation
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on Wednesday, 1 May 2024 at 1700-1800

Life as a fat female body: A feminist narrative inquiry with Iranian women by Somayeh McKian (Independent Academic).  Presentation
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on Thursday, 7 March 2024 at 1700-1800

Writing on the Unwritten: Exploring the life and legacy of Christa McAuliffe, Teacher in Space by Oline Eaton (Howard University). Presentation and Video
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on Wednesday, 7 February 2024 at 1700-1800

Early Doctoral Reflections on Detangling and Decisions in Autistic Auto/Biography by Harriet Marks (University of Plymouth). Presentation
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on Thursday, 11 January 2024 at 1700-1800


‘Space and Spaces’ Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference on 8 December 2023 at Friends House, Euston. Keynote: Ellen McHugh (Brunel University London)

From the personal to the global: The ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ protests in Iran by Shabnam Holliday (University of Plymouth).
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on 1 November 2023 at 1700-1800

‘Celebration of student research and creativity activity: An autobiographical journey’ by Amanda Norman (University of Winchester). Presentation
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on 5 October 2023 at 1700-1800.

‘New Beginnings’. Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference 2023 on Wednesday, 12 July-Friday, 14 July 2023 at Wolfson College, Oxford.  Keynote: David Brown

'Can children narrate memoirs? Celebrating experimental narratives' by Amanda-Marie Kale (University of Nottingham).  Presentation
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on 4 May 2023 at 1700-1800. 

‘The roar at the end of years of silence: feminist voices through educating geeta’ by Geeta Ludhra (Brunel University London).
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on 2 March 2023 at 1700-1800. 

‘Celebration of Longevity’ by Terry Martin (University of Southampton). Presentation
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on 2 February 2023 at 1700-1800. 

‘The Magic of Social Life: A Self-Other Study of Conjuring’ by Brian Rappert (University of Exeter). Presentation 
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on 12 January 2023 at 1700-1800. 


Celebration Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference on 2 December 2022 at Friends House, Euston. Keynote: Gayle Letherby.

A Fine Balance: The Cultural Biography of an Academic Journal and its Scholars by Carly Stewart (Bournemouth University).
Auto/Biography Study Group Reading Group on 6 October 2022. Discussion of Stewart, C. (2022). A Fine Balance: The Cultural Biography of an Academic Journal and its Scholars, Auto/Biography Review, 3(1), 1–5:

Past, Present and Future: Celebrating 30 Years of the Auto/Biography Study Group Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference 2022 on 13-15 July 2022 at Wolfson College, Oxford. Keynote: Yvonne Anderson.

“Sport still causes me a lot of anxiety”: One primary school teacher’s story of embodied trauma and childhood sport by Samar Shahid (Bournemouth University).
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on 3 March 2022.

Narratives of e-citizening and re-citizening:  Stories of everyday life in the UK with HIV and Covid by Corinne Squire (Bristol University).
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on 3 February 2022.

Auto/Biography Review Online Journal Launch: Reflections on past, present and future by Carly Stewart (Bournemouth University) and Gayle Letherby (University of Plymouth).
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar (online) on 6 January 2022


Christmas Conference 2021 (Online): Auto/Biography and everyday life: a celebration of the work and legacy of David Morgan - Keynote: Liz Stanley entitled ‘Infamy, infamy: auto/biographical practices, conventions and silences’ on 3 December 2021.  Programme and Abstracts

Raves and Close Shaves - An autobiographical reflection of a young Black woman's experiences in the UK 1990s rave culture by Louise Owusu-Kwarteng (University of Greenwich) on 11 November 2021.

Negotiating Emotional Boundaries, Catharsis and Emotional Suppression: Findings from a BNIM study of veterinarians’ relationships with human and non-human clients in Ireland and the UK by Lisa Moran and Lorraine Greene (Edge Hill University) on 7 October 2021.

Summer Conference 2021: Troubling Auto/Biography - Keynote: Chrissie Rogers on 15-16 July 2021.  Programme and Abstracts

Reading Group: Young Mothers’ Experiences of Power, Control and Violence Within Intimate and Familial Relationships' Child Care in Practice on 6 May 2021.

Covid and the loss of a Sense of Coherence by Francisca Veale (University of Gloucestershire).
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar on 4 March 2021.

‘These Barbed Wire Barriers: Antonio Gramsci and the Schucht Sisters’ by Jenifer Nicholson.
BSA Auto/Biography Study Group Monograph Launch on 4 February 2021. LISTEN HERE

'The Broken Chain' by Christine Lewis (Edgehill University)
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar on 7 January 2021.


Auto/Biography and Community Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference on 4 December 2020 (online).
Keynote: Julie Parsons.

Lockdown Moments: Doing Auto/Biography by Yvonne Anderson (Mind of My Own) and Carly Stewart (Bournemouth University)
Auto/Biography Study Group Seminar on 5 November 2020.

On Auto/Biography in Sociology
Auto/Biography Study Group Reading Group on 1 October 2020. Discussion about Stanley, L. (1993) On Auto/Biography in Sociology. Sociology, 27(1): 41-52.


Childhood Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (18-20 July 2019) at Wolfson College, Oxford, UK.
Keynote: Andrew Sparkes.


The Family Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (19-21 July 2018) at Wolfson College, Oxford, UK.
Keynote: Dennis Smith.

Past and Present Lives Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (7 December 2018) at Friends House, London, UK.
Keynote: Josie Abbott


Gender and Auto/Biography Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (19-21 July 2017) at Dartington Hall, Devon, UK.
Keynote: Agneta Rahikainen

Public and Private Lives Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (8 December 2017) at Friends House, London, UK.
Keynote: Maria Tamboukou.


Auto/Biography and the Presentation of the Self Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (15-17 July 2016) at Wolfson College, Oxford, UK.
Keynote: David Morgan.

Auto/Biographical Methodologies Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (16 December 2016) at Friends House, London, UK.
Keynote: Andrew Sparkes.


Formal and Informal Education: Lives, Works and Relationships Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (16-18 July 2015) at Dartington Hall, Devon, UK.
Keynote: Yvonne Anderson.

Examining Questions of Coercion and Consent in the Analysis of Lives Programme
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (18 December 2015) at the British Library Conference Centre, London, UK


People and Places Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (11-13 July 2014) at Wolfson College, Oxford, UK.
Keynote: Aidan Seery.

Lives in Conflict Programme Programme and Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (12 December 2014) at the British Library Conference Centre, London, UK


Picturing the Self and Identity: Images of Auto/Biography Programme
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (11-13 July 2013) at La Caixa Forum, Barcelona, Spain.
Keynote: Rebeca Pardo.

Epiphanies Programme
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (20 December 2013) at the British Library Conference Centre, London, UK


Heroes, Villains and Fools Programme Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (12-14 July 2012) at University of Reading, Reading, UK.
Keynote: Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes.

Fragments of Auto/Biography Programme Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (14 December 2012) at the British Library Conference Centre, London, UK


Hidden Lives Programme
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (7-9 July 2011) at University of Reading, Reading, UK.
Keynote: Melissa Dearey.

Celebrity Programme
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (16 December 2011) at the British Library Conference Centre, London, UK.
Keynote: Gayle Letherby.


Legacies Programme
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (8-10 July 2010) at University of Leicester, Leicester, UK.
Keynote: Gayle Letherby.

Feminism and Lives Programme
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (14 December 2010) at the British Library Conference Centre, London, UK


Documenting Realities
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (9-11 July 2009) at University of Leicester, Leicester, UK

Dress and Undress Programme Abstracts
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (15 December 2009) at the British Library Conference Centre, London, UK


Secrets, Gaps and Absences in Auto/Biography
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (10-12 July 2008) at University of Leicester, Leicester, UK

Keeping Up Appearances: Auto/Biography and Dress
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (18 December 2008) at the Institute of Education, London, UK


Empathy in Auto/Biography
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (12-14 July 2007) at Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Disordered Lives: Problems in the Life Course
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (18 December 2007)


Auto/Biographies and Documenting Lives
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (13-15 July 2006) at the University of Leicester, Leicester, UK

Food and Lives
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference


Auto/Biographies and Defining Identities
Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (July, 2005) at the University of London, London, UK

Lives and Times and Auto/Biography
Auto/Biography Study Group Christmas Conference (16 December 2005) at the Institute of Education, London, UK


Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (July, 2004) at University College Chichester, Chichester, UK

Art, Literature and Auto/Biography
Auto/Biography Study Group One Day Conference (26 March 2004) at the Institute of Education, London, UK


Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference (19-21 July 2002) at the University of Leicester, Leicester, UK