Medical Sociology Group Committee

Simon Carter
Co-Convenor/Social Programme
The Open University
Email Simon Carter.

Victoria Cluley
Co-Convenor/Programme Committee/Communications
University of Nottingham
Email Victoria Cluley.

Hilllary Collins
Co-Convenor/FSHI Book Prize Review Panel
University of Glasgow
Email Hilllary Collins.

Raquel Boso Perez
Programme Committee/PGR/ECR Representative/Phil Strong Memorial Prize Lead
University of Glasgow
Email Raquel Boso Perez.

Emma Craddock
Programme Committee/FSHI Book Prize Lead and Review Panel/EDI Lead
Email Emma Craddock.

Jaime Garcia Iglesias
Mentoring Lead
The University of Edinburgh
Email Jaime Garcia Iglesias.

Hazel Marzetti
Programme Committee/Communications
University of Edinburgh
Email Hazel Marzetti.

Chloe Phillips
Social Programme/PGR/ECR Representative/Phil Strong Memorial Prize
Email Chloe Phillips.

Julia Swallow
Mentoring Lead

University of Sheffield
Email Julia Swallow.

Amelia Talbot
FSHI Book Prize Lead and Review Panel/EDI Lead
University of Oxford
Email Amelia Talbot.

Rose Watson
Programme Committee/Social Programme/PGR/ECR Representative/Phil Strong Memorial Prize
Email Rose Watson.

BSA Office
Registration/Abstracts and Enquiries/Publishers/Social Programme/Audio Visual and Special Needs

Ex-Officio Committee Members

Catherine Coveney
BSA Annual Conference Stream Convenor
Loughborough University

Sarah Hoare
BSA Annual Conference Stream Convenor
University of Cambridge

Find out more about the role of a committee member.