Teaching Resources
This page provides links to teaching-related resources designed to assist you:
Create modules/courses/individual classes.
Develop effective assessments.
Utilize technology in your teaching.
Improve your pedagogical skills.
Keep abreast of the latest developments in the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Identify funding sources related to teaching/learning.
If you have any teaching-related resources you have found useful and would like to share with ECF members please contact us and we will add them to this resource page.
Assessment and Evaluation
These resources can help you develop a range of effective assessments to deliver in your modules.
Rubistar - a free online resource that will help you design rubrics for a range of formative and summative assignments.
A model of Learning Objectives - an online resource that will help you develop effective student learning objectives.
Centers for Teaching and Learning
These US institutions offer various resources for university lecturers including but not limited to active learning strategies, interactive syllabi, utilizing technology and Blooms taxonomy.
For all your textbook requirements
In addition:
Dedicated to developing pedagogical skills within Higher Education and the discipline of Sociology.
Teaching & Learning Organizations
C-SAP - C-SAP's aim is to support teaching and learning within it's subject areas (Sociology, Anthropology & Politics), and to improve the student learning experience. They offer a variety of ways for staff and student involvement with C-SAP, including a very successful annual tranche of mini-projects, as well as a series of events, workshops, and other activities led by our subject academic co-ordinators and C-SAP Associates. Much of their work addresses national themes in teaching and learning, including areas identified by the Higher Education Academy and the UK Funding Councils.
Carnegie Academy for the advancement of teaching - seeks to support the development of a scholarship of teaching and learning that: fosters significant, long-lasting learning for all students; enhances the practice and profession of teaching, and; brings to faculty members' work as teachers the recognition and reward afforded to other forms of scholarly work.
International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - serves faculty members, staff, and students who care about teaching and learning as serious intellectual work. The goal of the Society is to foster inquiry and disseminate findings about what improves and articulates post-secondary learning and teaching.
Example Course Materials
- Power point slides: An example powerpoint presentation for an introductory Sociology of Sport class
Assessment guidelines: Example assessments for for an introductory Sociology of Sport class