
Forthcoming Events

27 March 2025 (1.00-2.00pm GMT)
Social Network Analysis and Resettled Refugees

Past Events and Activities

4 October 2024 (4:00-5:30pm)
Re-thinking Social Networks: Qualitative Network Analysis, Conceptual Reflexivity and the Presentation of the Networked-Self - WATCH VIDEO

5-6 December 2017
Recent Ethical Challenges in Social Network Analysis (recsna17) Workshop
Paris, France

Visualisation and social networks in mixed-methods sociological research

Plenary session in the “Methodological Innovations” Stream, organised by BSA-SNAG

British Sociological Association Conference 2017, Manchester, Wednesday 5 April, 9:30-10:30

The sociology of social networks is experiencing unprecedented growth, driven by its promise to uncover new, yet unknown dimensions of today’s connected society. Visualisation techniques for network data provide an intuitive, effective way to communicate, and have boosted the popularity of this research, not only in quantitative but also in qualitative perspectives.

Building on a special section of Sociological Research Online that the SNAG group edited in 2016, this plenary session will extend the discussion to cover a wider range of data analysis techniques and empirical contexts of analysis.

The session is coordinated panel with:

  • Nick Crossley, University of Manchester: ‘Looking at punk – differently’;
  • Gemma Edwards, University of Manchester: 'Visualising historical networks';
  • Bernie Hogan, Oxford Internet Institute: 'Network canvas: New interfaces for network co-creation';
  • Louise Ryan, University of Sheffield: 'Migration networks'.

Chairs will be the two BSA-SNAG convenors:

With its methodological focus, exposing participants to state-of-the-art use of visual and social network analysis tools in sociological research, the plenary can be especially beneficial to PhD students and early career researchers. There will be time for questions from the audience.

Every January at the University of Greenwich, we offer a one-day training on 'Using Mixed-Methods in Social Network Analysiswhich targets PhD students and academics who wish to familiarise themselves with the field.

In May 2014, we organised a small conference on mixed-methods social networks research at Middlesex University.