Sociology of Mental Health Presentations

Presentations from the symposium on Social Movements and their Contributions to Sociological Knowledge on Mental Health at the University of Wolverhampton, 13 June 2014


The Potential of Autoethnography for Generating User/Survivor Knowledge by Dr Sarah Carr

Women, alcohol, mental health: a politics of oppression by Patsy Staddon

Origins of self advocacy discourse by Jan Wallcraft

Is the personal (bio)political in the digital age?: Feminism, depression and the troubling of neuro selfhood by Professor Simone Fullagar

Solidarity between survivor and trade union activists: organising for democratic alliances by Mick McKeown

Madness and the sociology of disablement: tensions and possibilities by Helen Spandler

Commentary on identities and ideologies in the women’s and service user/survivor movements by Dr Lydia Lewis