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Research Grants and Fellowships

  • Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness.
    Mildred Blaxter Post-Doctoral Fellowships and travel grants for research in the sociology of health and illness.
  • Economic and Social Research Council
    PhD Studentships, ‘Future Research Leaders’ scheme for early career researchers and research grants in the social sciences. ‘Influencing behaviour and informing interventions’ is a strategic priority for 2011-15.
  • Wellcome Trust
    Studentships, fellowships and small grants in ‘medical history and humanities’ and ‘ethics and society’.
  • Medical Research Council
    Studentships and fellowships in research across the biomedical spectrum (includes some medical sociology).
  • Leverhulme Trust
    Early career fellowships across all academic disciplines.
  • British Academy
    Small research grants and postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Chief Scientist Office (Scotland)
    Studentships, fellowships and research grants in areas relating to health services and the health of public.
