Join the Group

Membership is free. Our membership list is based upon a closed Jiscmail discussion forum, which is the means we use to communicate with our members. 

To join the BSA New Materialisms study group, please follow these instructions.

Joining the Group

Please send an e-mail to, as follows:

  • Subject line - leave empty.
  • In the body of the message, write:

                  subscribe bsa-newmat Firstname Surname

(for example: subscribe bsa-newmat Jane Smith)

You will receive a welcome message confirming your subscription within one hour.  If you don't receive anything, check your spam/junk filters. 

If you have any queries or difficulties joining the list, please contact the convenors.

Leaving the Group

If you want to leave the group, send an e-mail to, as follows:

  • Subject line - leave empty.
  • In the body of the message, write:

                  unsubscribe bsa-newmat Firstname Surname

Send a Message to the Group

You can send a message to all members of the group as follows:

  • Send an e-mail to bsa-nemat'

N.B. Your message will be sent to all members of the group.  if you want to send a private message to the convenors, please use the details to be found on the 'Convenors' tab above.